University of California Press

Peer review procedure

All University of California Press titles are peer reviewed. This guarantees the quality of our publications, and we regularly appeal to reviewers both within the United States and abroad.

The procedure is as follows:

A manuscript that qualifies for publication by UC Press is forwarded by the publisher to two or more outside peer reviewers – generally academics or other professionals in the appropriate field or discipline. We then approach these external peer reviewers to write a peer review following the UC Press peer reviewer instructions.

If our outside peer reviewers agree that the title Is worth further consideration by UC Press, the book may be presented to the UC Press editorial committee, members of which are appointed by the University of California Academic Senate. The UC Press editorial committee must approve all books published by the University of California Press

As thanks for writing a peer review by means of the UC Press Review Form, UC Press offers the reviewer a compensation of $150 or a selection of books published by the press